Is bodybuilding hard on the kidneys in the long term?


Is bodybuilding hard on the kidneys in the long term?

Bodybuilding is a great way to stay in shape and get healthy. However, it’s important to learn how your body works and what you can do to keep it in good working order. One of the main things affecting your ability to build muscle and stay fit is your kidneys. If your kidneys aren’t functioning properly, they’ll often look for toxins or medications that might cause an issue. This can lead them to overwork themselves when exercising intensely or eating certain foods that aren’t healthy for them.

The kidneys are very important in bodybuilding.

Is bodybuilding hard on the kidneys in the long term?

The kidneys are very important in bodybuilding because they help filter the blood in your body. The kidneys remove waste and toxins from your blood, keeping you healthy and ensuring everything works properly. They also help regulate blood pressure, sugar levels, and electrolytes (salts).

If your kidneys are not working properly, it can be very dangerous. You may experience muscle cramps, fatigue, and nausea. If you notice any of these 

symptoms, see your doctor immediately.

The main issues that can arise when exercising and having kidney issues

The main issues that can arise when exercising and having kidney issues

It’s important to remember that, for the most part, bodybuilding is not harmful to your kidneys. However, there are some things you should be aware of if you have kidney problems. The main issues that can arise when exercising and having kidney issues are dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. To avoid these issues as much as possible, it’s recommended that you consult with your doctor before starting any 

exercise routine or diet plan.

Make sure that you’re getting regular checkups.

Make sure that you're getting regular checkups

It’s important to note that it’s not just bodybuilding that can be hard on the kidneys. All kinds of intense exercise or overworking your body can cause problems with kidney function. That’s why you should always get a physical exam before starting a new workout routine and listen to your body: if something feels wrong, take time off from exercising until things feel normal again.

It’s also important to keep an eye out for other signs of potential kidney issues like dehydration (which is more common than you might think), electrolyte imbalance, and more—and don’t ignore them! This can help protect your kidneys from damage while keeping them healthy in the long run.

If you experience the following symptoms, it’s important to see your doctor right away:

  • Dark or cola-colored urine
  • Nausea and vomiting (especially if accompanied by a fever)
  • Dull pain in the back or side below the ribs worsens when coughing or breathing deeply.
  • Sudden weight gain, especially if it comes on gradually.
  • Fatigue that doesn’t get better with rest.

If you have preexisting kidney issues, ask your doctor.

If you have preexisting kidney issues, ask your doctor

If you have preexisting kidney issues, ask your doctor if you need any special precautions before exercising intensely.

Suppose your family history includes chronic kidney disease or other blood-related diseases. In that case, it’s important to be extra cautious when beginning a new workout routine to ensure not to overwork your body.

If your kidneys are functioning at less than 100 percent, avoiding exercises that could cause kidney damage is also important. Avoid any activity involving a lot of force on the lower back or abdomen (for example, contact sports like football), as this can cause kidney bleeding.

Bodybuilding is not inherently bad for your kidneys.

Bodybuilding is not inherently bad for your kidneys

Bodybuilding is not inherently bad for your kidneys. However, if you don’t pay attention to your body and eat the right foods, it can strain them. Make sure that you’re getting regular checkups with a doctor so that they can check for any signs of kidney problems.

If you’re a bodybuilder and are worried about your kidneys, don’t be! Make sure you’re eating the right foods for kidney health, getting plenty of rest, and drinking lots of water.


It’s important to remember that bodybuilding is not bad for your kidneys. However, if you don’t pay attention to your body and eat the right foods, it can strain them. Make sure you get regular checkups to ensure your kidneys are functioning properly. If you have preexisting kidney issues, ask your doctor if you need any special precautions before exercising intensely.